Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy
Montesilvano, Italy

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Come state everyone? sono benissimo!! Me piace il MTC. Que pensate sulla conferenca generale? pienso era muolto bello. Ahlora, sono moulto stanco. devo alezzare a 3:30 perche il distrecto majore hanno partito.

Well that’s some Italian for you. Hope you can figure it out. Italian isn’t easy at all =P but somehow I’m managing. I actually taught part of the first lezione in it just yesterday, pero, I’ve still got a long way to go before I’m ready to talk to anyone. I'm super blessed I got Anziano Andersen as my colega because he is so diligente, he spends every moment studying something or scribbling all over his predicare mio vangelo. Hes quite an example to me and makes me work a lot harder than if a may of had a companion how was not quite as diligente as him.

So how about that shoutout by President Monson to the Rome Temple Sunday morning? Me and Anziano Andersen almost jumped out of our seats and cheered.

Well I'm running low on time. Thanks for the letters everyone they are very encouraging =) I love to hear how everyone’s doing and what’s going on in the outside world. 2 Questions though: I'd like to know how it’s going in Japan and if it’s still pretty bad or if things are getting better. 2: my teacher said the UN went to war with Libya? Is that a rumor or legit? Well I hope you’re all having fun in the sun back home, and I hope you're having fun on your cruise mom and dad!

Love your guts!!

Anziano Hill

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